BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//Nomads Skillshare - ECPv6.10.1.1//NONSGML v1.0//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN METHOD:PUBLISH X-ORIGINAL-URL: X-WR-CALDESC:Events for Nomads Skillshare REFRESH-INTERVAL;VALUE=DURATION:PT1H X-Robots-Tag:noindex X-PUBLISHED-TTL:PT1H BEGIN:VTIMEZONE TZID:Asia/Shanghai BEGIN:STANDARD TZOFFSETFROM:+0800 TZOFFSETTO:+0800 TZNAME:CST DTSTART:20250101T000000 END:STANDARD TZID:UTC BEGIN:STANDARD TZOFFSETFROM:+0000 TZOFFSETTO:+0000 TZNAME:UTC DTSTART:20250101T000000 END:STANDARD TZID:America/Los_Angeles BEGIN:DAYLIGHT TZOFFSETFROM:-0800 TZOFFSETTO:-0700 TZNAME:PDT DTSTART:20250309T100000 END:DAYLIGHT BEGIN:STANDARD TZOFFSETFROM:-0700 TZOFFSETTO:-0800 TZNAME:PST DTSTART:20251102T090000 END:STANDARD END:VTIMEZONE BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Asia/Shanghai:20250316T160000 DTEND;TZID=Asia/Shanghai:20250316T190000 DTSTAMP:20250315T104236 CREATED:20250221T041615Z LAST-MODIFIED:20250224T043932Z SUMMARY:Balinese Fire Ceremony & Meditation​ DESCRIPTION: URL: ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20250319T200000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20250319T210000 DTSTAMP:20250315T104236 CREATED:20250217T093746Z LAST-MODIFIED:20250311T113042Z SUMMARY:Latin America Nomad Hub: Unconference DESCRIPTION:🌀Join the Latin America Nomad Hub: Unconference! 🌍✨ ❗ IMPORTANT: Make sure to RSVP here to secure your spot 📅 Wednesday\, 19.03.25 🕛 12 PM Mexico City | 1 PM Bogota | 3 PM Buenos Aires
 💻 Online via Zoom This is no ordinary Zoom call! Be part of this dynamic\, participant-driven event where YOU can lead discussions! Unlike typical conferences\, unconferences give everyone the power to share their expertise\, collaborate\, and spark fresh ideas. 🚀 Why Join?💡 Connect with nomads across Latin America💡 Engage in social impact initiatives💡 Share & gain knowledge and best practices💡 Shape the conversation & lead discussions Let’s create meaningful connections\, share knowledge\, and inspire action among nomads in Latin America! REGISTER HERE URL: ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20250320T190000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20250320T213000 DTSTAMP:20250315T104236 CREATED:20250309T084655Z LAST-MODIFIED:20250309T085011Z SUMMARY:Locals & Foreigners Cultural Game Night DESCRIPTION:Looking for a Game Night for Locals & Foreigners? Join Tropical Nomad and Nomads Giving Back & Nomads Skillshare for a Locals & Foreigners Cultural Game Night! Connecting local and expat communities through an impactful Game Night as a platform for cultural exchange\, building new friendships\, and discovering ways to contribute positively to the local community. Event Details 📅 Date: Thursday\, March 20\, 2025 ⏰ Time: 19:00-21:30 📍 Location: Tropical Nomad Coworking Space\, Canggu 🎫 Entry FeeStandard Price :– Early Bird (ends Mar 13): IDR 50K– Regular (ends Mar 19): IDR 100K– On the Day (ends Mar 20): IDR 150k Locals/KTP holders :– 50% off off the ticket price What to Expect: Engaging activities that promote cultural understanding and exchange.\n\nOpportunities for locals and foreigners to share experiences and insights about life in Bali.\n\nInteractive games that encourage new connections and community building.Whether you’re a local\, expat\, digital nomad\, or just passing through Bali\, this event is the perfect opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals\, learn something new about the world\, and have a great time!Come along and be part of a community that’s all about cultural immersion\, fun\, and making an impact!Contact us at +62 859-2359-5551 on WhatsApp for any questions!👉 Please register for this event here: all about cultural immersion\, fun\, and making a difference! Register Here URL: ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20250322T073000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20250322T190000 DTSTAMP:20250315T104236 CREATED:20250221T000206Z LAST-MODIFIED:20250301T100552Z SUMMARY:Impact Trip: Lempuyang\, Tirta Gangga & Virgin Beach Escape DESCRIPTION: URL: ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Asia/Shanghai:20250323T160000 DTEND;TZID=Asia/Shanghai:20250323T190000 DTSTAMP:20250315T104236 CREATED:20250221T042139Z LAST-MODIFIED:20250224T043551Z SUMMARY:Balinese Fire Ceremony & Meditation​ DESCRIPTION: URL: ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20250326T200000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20250326T210000 DTSTAMP:20250315T104236 CREATED:20250314T103206Z LAST-MODIFIED:20250314T103216Z SUMMARY:Nomads Connections DESCRIPTION:❗ IMPORTANT: Make sure to RSVP here to secure your spot❗Meeting Link: ZOOM ❗ Time: 8 PM – 9 PM GMT +8 Are you a digital nomad\, traveler\, expat\, or global citizen looking for a way to connect with like-minded individuals from all over the world? Look no further than Nomads Connections! Our recurring online events provide a platform for you to engage in meaningful discussions\, build inspiring friendships\, and expand your network. Here’s what you can expect: 🌀 Connect with socially-conscious people from all walks of life 🌀 Engage in discussions about travel\, culture\, and global issues 🌀 Participate in activities designed to break the ice and foster connection 🌀 Build lasting relationships that transcend borders 🌀 Expand your network and build a supportive community of global citizens Join us and become part of a community that shares your passion for adventure\, learning\, and making a positive impact on the world. Register now and let’s connect! RSVP HERE URL: ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Asia/Shanghai:20250328T170000 DTEND;TZID=Asia/Shanghai:20250328T190000 DTSTAMP:20250315T104236 CREATED:20250312T203844Z LAST-MODIFIED:20250314T101910Z SUMMARY:Ogoh-Ogoh Walking Tour DESCRIPTION:🗓 Date: Friday\, March 28\, 2025 ⏰ Time: 5 PM – 7 PM 💰 Price: Early Bird (ends 21 Mar) – IDR 150k\n\nNormal Price (ends Mar 27) – IDR 200k\n\nOn The Spot (at Mar 28) – IDR 250k📍 Location: Denpasar\, the heart of Bali’s biggest and most vibrant pre-Nyepi celebrations! [RSVP to receive the meeting point] Step into the energy and excitement of the night before Nyepi! This guided walking tour takes you through the heart of the city to witness the grand parade—where towering\, handcrafted figures representing mythological creatures and negative spirits come to life in a mesmerizing display of movement and sound. As the parade weaves through the streets\, these striking creations are carried with energy before being banished—symbolically cleansing the island of negativity and preparing for a fresh beginning. Nyepi\, the Day of Silence\, marks the Balinese New Year\, a day of self-reflection\, meditation\, and renewal. For 24 hours\, the entire island falls into complete silence—no travel\, no lights\, no entertainment\, only stillness. This pause is meant to purify the mind and spirit while convincing lingering spirits that Bali is empty\, ensuring peace for the year ahead. Join this cultural experience to explore Nyepi’s spiritual significance\, Denpasar’s rich history\, and the best spot in Bali to witness this once-a-year celebration. ✨ What’s included? ✅ Guided cultural tour ✅ Insights into Balinese traditions & history ✅ Access to the best viewing spots 🚀 Getting there: 🛵 We recommend using a motorcycle or Gojek/Grab for smoother access\, as the area can get busy during the event. ✅ Dedicated transport can be arranged upon request for an additional charge—just let us know! 📌 Limited spots available! Secure your place now for IDR 150k! (ends Mar 21) RSVP HERE URL: ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/Los_Angeles:20250330T160000 DTEND;TZID=America/Los_Angeles:20250330T190000 DTSTAMP:20250315T104236 CREATED:20250221T042444Z LAST-MODIFIED:20250224T043044Z SUMMARY:Balinese Fire Ceremony & Meditation DESCRIPTION: URL: ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR